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Click here for PDF of the Camp Brochure

Zimmer Arts and Nature Camp


3-day or 5-day Options 
June 23- August 15, 2014
(no camp on Friday, July 4)

18 months - 5 years

Limited Infant [6 weeks-18 months] spaces are available  

18 months - 2.5 years: 9am to 12:30pm or 9 am to 2:00 pm
2.5 years and older: 9am to 2pm
Please inquire about extended
early-care and after-care  

18 mos- 2.5 years
9am to 12:30pm Program:
3-day (M-W-F) $105/ week
5-day (Mon to Fri) $150/ week

9 am to 2:00 pm
3-day (M-W-F) $205/ week
5-day (Mon to Fri) $295/ week  

2.5- 5 years old
9am to 2pm Program: 
3-day (M-W-F) $175/ week
5-day (Mon to Fri) $250/ week   

Registration is for a minimum of 2 consecutive weeks


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Nature offers endless wonder. When children are out in nature all their senses get activated as they explore and discover. Their natural sense of creativity and exploration is turned on as they engage with their world.

Opportunities for children to express themselves through artistic media (music and movement, storytelling and drama, visual arts such as clay, charcoal, paint, etc.) allows them to share and to celebrate their knowledge and personal interpretation of the world in meaningful ways.

Art & Nature Camp’s goal is to embrace  children with authentic and vibrant outdoor and art experiences, building upon their natural affinity for the outdoors, and their innate sense of creativity.

What better way to spend the summer months than outdoors, exploring nature and being creatively expressive!