
Amalek Begone

Thursday, 25 January, 2024 - 7:19 pm

Questions are a fundamental tool of the truth-seeker. Ask. Probe. Consider another perspective. Transcend accepted axioms so you can think out of the box. “Doubt,” it has been said, “is the servant of discovery.”

But there’s also a crippling form of doubt, a menace to our psychological and moral welfare. Imagine experiencing irrational doubts about the loyalty of loved ones? How about doubts as to the evils of the Holocaust?

Healthy doubts clear the path to truth; unhealthy doubts obstruct its firm embrace.

This week, the Torah introduces us to the ultimate Jew-haters: the tribe of Amalek. They attacked the Jews in the desert for no apparent reason, and their Jew-hatred is described as surpassing that of the other Jew-hating people’s we’ve endured. The Torah tells us that G-d is at war with Amalek for the course of history, and that G-d’s Throne will not be complete until the concept of Amalek is vanquished. While Amalek eventually disappeared as a people, the Amalek poison persists.

Kabbalistic writings note that the numerical value of the word Amalek (240) is the same as that of the Hebrew word for ‘doubt’ (safek). When the Jews left Egypt, personally witnessing G-d’s love for them and G-d’s absolute mastery over nature, the Amalekites maliciously sought to undermine their grip on reality.

“Are you sure you saw what you saw?” “Did you truly experience what you experienced?” “Were the Egyptians really that evil?” Today, we’d call it gaslighting.

That doubt-sowing is what our spiritual masters identify as the spiritual poison of Amalek. The peppering of doubts, masquerading as open-minded analysis, which debilitates a firm moral vision. Feeling the need to temper one's firm outrage at Hamas's pogrom, and one's strong support for Israel's right to self-defense. Because, on the other hand.....

Amalek at work.

To be clear: I have no doubt that the IDF is righteously pursuing victory in this Hamas-triggered war.

I have no doubt that the IDF – on a daily basis - puts more thought and effort into actually protecting innocent Palestinians, even as it seeks to eliminate those who actively threaten Jewish lives, than any other governmental body in the world.

I sadly have no doubt that innocent lives will be lost in war.

I have no doubt that humans occasionally err, and the IDF is comprised of humans.

I have no doubt that the IDF is the most moral army in the world.

Amalek begone.

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