
Live The Dream

Thursday, 2 July, 2015 - 11:43 am

My 20-year-old daughter is in Paris for a few days. When I mentioned that to a local friend, he immediately asked whether I was worried. Frankly, I'm not worried, but I understand his question.

Last year, the news was filled with reports of anti-Semitic incidents across the globe, from the broadly publicizedParis attacks, to lower-profile ones that were reported by the Jewish media. According to the ADL, 2014 was a “particularly violent year for Jews,” right here in the USA. Add to the mix that 55% of Muslim Western-Europeans are expressing anti-Semitic views.

Anti-Semitism is a plague that has followed us for millennia. This week, we read in the Torah about Jew haters who lived 3300 years ago,.

At the same time, we are lucky to have the USA, which gave Jews haven from European persecution, and has been a tremendously positive force for post-war Jewish growth across the globe. 

Notwithstanding individual incidents perpetrated by individual people, theUSA has been a blessing to the Jewish people. In fact, the Rebbe would call this country a 'kingdom of kindness.'

Here in the US, we can proudly display our Jewish identity, and the global specter of anti-Semitism should make us stand even taller.  

True, the Muslim world seems to be going through an anti-Semitic awakening, and areas where Muslim influence is strong (some universities and communities), are areas of specific concern. We can't be naive and must call on – and work with – local Muslim leaders to address the problem.

At the same time, we must continue to live the American Jewish Dream: Never retreating from a proud declaration of our Jewish identity, continuing to live freely and Jewishly, praying to G-d for His protection and thanking Him for this great country.

G-d bless America.

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