

Friday, 25 March, 2022 - 11:28 am

When you woke up this morning, what was your frame of mind? Was today simply the day after yesterday and a prelude to tomorrow? Or was this morning the beginning of a new chapter, the first page in a book called “the Rest of Your Life”?

It is common to feel trapped in the flow of time, chained to our past and unable to change our future. We feel imprisoned by our circumstances. That’s why it’s refreshing to have a chance at a fresh start: a new job, a new community, etc. It’s exhilarating to feel unencumbered by history, and to have a clean slate. One can feel energized and alive, with a broad field of opportunities to explore.

Think of it in seasonal terms. The winter months seem to have nature in a frozen holding pattern. Nothing blooms or blossoms. Some creatures even enter into hibernation. Winter is the sound of silence.

Think of the Covid ‘winter’ from which we seem finally to be emerging (please G-d). It’s been a two-year winter. Some of us have barely left our homes, rarely showing our face, or seeing the faces of others’, in person.

This Spring is especially welcome. Annually, Spring is a time when the world shakes off its lethargy, regains its pulse and begins to show vitality. With the birds chirping, the bees buzzing and an upbeat scent in the air, there’s a can-do sense of rejuvenation. This year, more than ever, we can appreciate the idea of rebirth and renewal.

This idea of rebirth and renewal can apply to our daily lives in any season. Psycho-spiritual ‘winter’ means being frozen in the status quo, enslaved to habits and personal history. Sometimes it seems that a new ‘me’ will never blossom.

But we actually hold our internal calendar in our hands. Any day – how much more so in Spring – one can change the steps of one’s habitual ‘dance’, and pursue endless possibilities for true growth.

The future is bright when we allow ourselves to see the rising sun.

We’re now approaching Passover, our Spring Holiday, which celebrates our Freedom. Not only freedom from human subjugation, but an internal freedom – genuine personal freedom.

Passover teaches us that we do not have to wait for the vernal equinox for rebirth and renewal – that every morning can be our individual Spring. Every morning – even in a frigid January – we can find our personal Exodus from a weaker self. How much more so when we are surrounded by Spring and, this year, as we emerge from our long Covid hibernation.

This year, let’s make Passover even more special and appreciate our freedom even more.

If we live with a consciousness of Passover’s freedom message, it can resonate all year round.

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