Think of a comfortable scenario in your life. Is it a state of ease and quiet enjoyment? A time when you have no worries, just relaxation? A great escape?
Sounds wonderful. Enjoy.
But then engage real life.
Finding authentic comfort isn’t about escape. It’s about finding inner peace and equilibrium. True comfort sets in when we satisfy our existential emptiness and find a balm for the psyche.
Not a job for a Pina Colada.
Genuine comfort comes from meaningful living.
A lot of our internal unease – the “quiet desperation” that is the stuff of poetic angst - comes from living in a world which doesn’t seem to make sense; it looks shallow, random and meaningless.
And, deep inside, we know we can do better. We can find symmetry, integrity and meaning. Watching the world's madness violates our sensibilities, because we know something’s not right.
It bothers us, as it should. And our – yours mine - responses should be to act, working within our own spheres of influence to make this a brighter world.
Do a Mitzvah. Touch someone’s life. Upgrade your own. Just do something positive.
Our soul-irritations are G-d’s way of prodding us to jettison inertia and status quo. The internal disquiet is designed to provoke pro-active responses, propelling us to act and bring sanity to the chaos.
This goes to the very core of our existence, life’s purpose:
To elevate the world.
And elevate ourselves.
And, in that process, to find genuine peace and comfort.
Because, perhaps counter-intuitively, real soul comfort doesn’t come lounging around. It comes from meaningful struggle and productivity.
Finding meaning is what brings us comfort. genuine comfort.
In the Torah, G-d says that He will yet ‘comfort us’ in future days. G-d’s not promising Pina Coladas, nor am I awaiting them.
I’m looking for an embrace. I want to experience the true beauty and meaning in what I do. I want to see the richness of the human journey and its accomplishments.
I can handle the work. But I could use the comfort.
It’s G-d’s promise. And the future starts now.