For the past few weeks part of my brain has been consistently focused on Gaza. For the first time in my forty-six years, I’m feeling that Israel, and the Jewish people, are very much alone in the world.
Hamas is indiscriminately firing thousands of rockets at innocent civilians (a war crime). Some of those very rockets fall on Palestinian schools/hospitals, and Israel is blamed. Residents of Israel’s south have awakened to the frightening reality that terrorist groups were planning to pop out of tunnels in their otherwise-peaceful backyards, ready to commit mayhem and murder.
And the world, including Western media, calls for Israel to draw back from its campaign to destroy Gaza’s terror infrastructure.
That bleak reality is where my psyche has been fixed for several weeks.
Then, yesterday, our daughter Chaya gave birth to a baby boy. Our first grandson, G-d bless him.
All of a sudden, light and love beam into a dark world. A new baby. New hope. A fresh start.
Life’s paradox of mixed emotions.
We’re in the saddest period of the Jewish calendar, the nine days leading up to Tisha B’av, when we’ll mourn the destruction of the two Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem. The Talmud tells us that the Moshiach, the spirit of redemption, was born on Tisha B’av, that very day of destruction.
In other words, the seeds of redemption and renewal are found amidst the ashes.
Global anti-Semitism is giving us a Tisha B’av moment. That’s why now is the time for us to search for, and find, the kernels of a new world. Now is the time for Israel to recognize that it needs to disregard international pressure and pursue its principle of humanely securing its citizens’ safety. Now is the time for people of conscience – Jew and non-Jew – to speak up and point out that the Hamas Emperor, ostensibly clothed by well-meaning tax money, is a naked barbarian.
As naïve hopes of Hamas’ peaceful side have gone up in smoke, we – you and I – need to shift the chattering-classes’ conventional wisdom. Now is the time for liberal-minded, freedom-loving people to publicly point out Hamas’ destruction of their own people.
Don’t be paralyzed by the bleakness; every day a new baby is born. Speak up to whoever will listen. Impact your local discourse. It will make a difference.
Future hope – moral clarity - is born amidst the ashes.